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Tips to Create Mindfulness & Manage Stress in the Workplace – Final

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As July and Corporate Wellness month comes to an end, here are the last ways to create mindfulness and manage stress in the workplace.

How Does it Feel to be in Another’s shoes?

You are probably familiar with the saying, “to stand in someone else’s shoes,” when a situation arises. Empathy plays a role in allowing us to understand the minds of others and to resonate emotionally with those states. Practicing mindfulness in the workplace enables us to feel empathy for others. We don’t all think or feel the same way, others may be going through some personal problems, serious health issues and just need support, thinking before we speak or react can make a big difference in others and your life. Be supportive of new ideas and encourage creativity.

Moods are Contagious

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Keeping your moods in check – your good feelings can rub off on those around you. Spend a few minutes remembering and visualizing a time when you were really enjoying yourself. It could be because of something you were doing, someplace you were visiting or someone you were with. Savor the memory. Try to keep that feeling at the top of your mind as often as possible throughout your day.

Finding Meaning & Purpose in What We Do

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Lastly, remind yourself and others why your jobs are important. The thing about their purpose and how they add value to your organization, and to your customer/clients/students/patients. Sometimes your “customer” is not the end-user of your organization’s services or products but could be an internal person who relies on what you do so that they can get their job done.

Remember, it is not uncommon for mindfulness to take a turn when things are hectic. Next time you’re feeling overwhelmed remember these best practices to help clear your mind.

Courtesy – Tina Hallis & Carly Stone

In terms of managing stress in the workplace:

Start a Hobby, Do Something Different

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New Hobby

For a balanced lifestyle, play is as important as work. Leisure activities and hobbies can be very enjoyable and inspiring, and they can offer an added sense of accomplishment to our lives.
For new hobbies, browse through a bookstore or a crafts store, surf the internet, look up local organizations, see what classes or courses are available in your community or from a nearby college or university.
Don’t BE TOO quick TO dismiss new opportunities.

Slow Down

Know your limits and cut down on the number of things you try to do each day, particularly if you do not have enough time for them or for yourself.
Be realistic about what you can accomplish effectively each day.
Monitor your pace. Rushing through things can lead to mistakes or poor performance. Take the time you need to do a good job.
– Poorly done tasks can lead to added stress.

Laugh, Use Humour

Do something fun and enjoyable such as seeing a funny movie, laughing with friends, reading a humorous book, or going to a comedy show.

Learn To Relax

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Develop a regular relaxation routine. Try yoga, meditation, or some simple quiet time. Relaxation techniques are skills that need to be developed with patience and practice so that we can use them effectively during difficult times of stress later on.

BALANCED HEALING recommends the following beneficial foods to relieve stress:

  • Salmon may be beneficial for reducing anxiety. …
  • Chamomile. Chamomile is an herb that may help reduce anxiety. …
  • Turmeric. …
  • Dark Chocolate. …
  • Yogurt. …
  • Green Tea
  • Oatmeal
  • Avocado
  • Vitamin C RICH FOODS

Supplements that can assist with Managing Stress:

  • B-complex vitamins: almonds, oranges, bananas, oatmeal, avocados, and asparagus
  • Magnesium: spinach, bananas, nuts, pumpkin seeds, and dark chocolate
  • Calcium: almond milk, spinach, yogurt, broccoli, kale, and figs
  • Vitamin C: oranges, blueberries, lemons, and limes
  • Vitamin D: sunlight
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: nuts, salmon, and tuna

CONTACT BALANCED HEALING to advise patients and clients on nutritional principles, diet modifications, food selection and preparation, which lays the foundation for optimal health.

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