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Top 10 Challenges that The Youth of Today Faces – Final

Another week and here are the last three challenges for us to discuss. These are probably the most difficult to overcome.

Inadequate employment opportunities:

In former years, education was not everyone’s forte. Those, who really had the knack for it, pursued it. But today, the scenario is different; everyone is studying along with full-fledged facilities. In the past, even a high school drop-out or simple graduates would find work and live contentedly. In those days, one would not necessarily need to have a college degree to survive. But in today’s times, youngsters with multiple degrees are unable to find work with good pay, to afford a decent lifestyle. In fact this topic was was raised by the President this month. Youth unemployment is a critical concern in South Africa. The unemployment rate among young people aged 15 to 34 recorded by Statistics South Africa in the second quarter of 2018 was 39%, higher than total unemployment, which was 27% in the same period. This means that 7.2 million out of 20 million young individuals are unemployed. Initiatives are being put into place to aleive this situation. This challenge then in turn could lead to our next challenge.


Although it’s a shameful to say but we have to declare that even after years of being categorised as a developing country, we could not replace the label with developed country. Most of the homes cannot afford to have good health and hygiene. Poverty is really killing us and the youths are also getting victimised.

Juvenile Delinquency

As we all know that the teenage behavior is extremely problematic and unpredictable too. There are many who feel the need to show their disregard for the law and often spurred on by the growing peer pressure of acceptance in today’s harsh world. Petty crimes – shop lifting, vandalism & graffiti painting to mention a few minor ones..

So What can we do about This?

+Teach work management skills. Teach your teen some basic ways to manage tasks, such as making lists or breaking larger tasks into smaller ones and doing one piece at a time.

+Teach Entrepreneurship: – Jobs are no longer guaranteed

  1. Help your child set effective goals.
  2. Teach your kids financial literacy.
  3. Let children solve their own problems.
  4. Foster creativity.
  5. Get kids involved in the community.
  6. Find “learning lessons” in adversities.
  7. Brainstorm business ideas

+DO NOT try to solve your teenager’s problems. As a parent, it is hard to see your child under stress. But try to resist solving your teen’s problems. Instead, work together to brainstorm solutions and let your teen come up with ideas. Using this approach helps teens learn to tackle stressful situations on their own.

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